why does big data fail?Natalie Kortum I found this to be a very blunt and honest warning of why Data Projects can fail. It’s a good (if pessimistic) read for anyone who is running or planning to run a data science project within their company.http://www.martingoodson.com/ten-ways-your-data-project-is-going-to-fail/
I found this to be a very blunt and honest warning of why Data Projects can fail. It’s a good (if pessimistic) read for anyone who is running or planning to run a data science project within their company.http://www.martingoodson.com/ten-ways-your-data-project-is-going-to-fail/
NPS (Net Promoter Score): You Manage What You MeasureWe have a new revolution in brand measurement mentality – making this decade forever known as the Net Promoter Score (NPS) era. Are...